Let's address attendance. Make nurture the norm. And see children #HappyInSchool


Using nurture to tackle the attendance crisis

Tens of thousands of children in England are now regularly missing school. Across the academic year 2022/23, 22.3% of pupils missed 10% or more of their possible sessions, classing them as ‘persistently absent’. The link between attendance and educational outcomes is well understood – but attainment is just one part of the story. Children who are not in education are also at increased risk of violence and exploitation and face potentially dire consequences for their futures. The attendance crisis must be swiftly addressed, or the UK risks a lost generation of children.

We know from the difference that nurture provision makes, the vital role that understanding and properly supporting children’s wellbeing plays in supporting attendance and enabling children to flourish at school.  We’re calling on policymakers to make nurture the norm and tackle the attendance crisis by supporting children to be #HappyInSchool, ready to learn and achieve their potential.

Our four-step plan


For further information

Our plan for change - nurtureuk Manifesto