Research and Evidence

We know the impact that nurture has on the lives of children and young people. Our training, products and services are evidence-based and practice-led, ensuring education professionals are equipped with the tools they need to meet the social, emotional and mental health needs of their pupils.

Nurture enables teachers to identify, understand, and address pupils’ needs with the right support. It helps schools to improve attendance, behaviour and attainment, and reduce exclusions.

Through the International Journal of Nurture in Education and our own research reports and projects, we gather and promote research on the impact of nurture principles and provision, so that every child is ready and able to learn.

International Journal of Nurture in Education

The International Journal for Nurture in Education aims to attract papers that will explore themes related to nurture in education in the context of emotional and mental wellbeing.


child going down slide

Boxall Childhood Project (2017-2019)

Boxall Childhood Project We have recognised for a long time the important role schools and teachers play in identifying the social emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs of children and…

Nurturing Kent: An Evaluation (2024)

ResPeo has conducted a mixed methods impact evaluation of nurtureuk’s Kent County Council Nurturing Programme.
children sat on floor girl looking into space

Now You See Us report (2019)

Now You See Us report Executive Summary Previously undiscovered social, emotional and mental health need found by school-wide study of primary school pupils. Nurtureuk released the findings of a study…
child going down slide

Nurture Portrait 2016-2017

In spring this year, we trained 40 pilot schools taking part in the Boxall Childhood Project to use the Boxall Profile to assess the SEMH of their pupils.
whole school together in school hall

Queen’s University Belfast report executive summary (2016)

Queen’s University Belfast report executive summary Nurture groups have been hailed as “highly successful” in improving outcomes for children in a new report launched by the Department of Education Northern…
Three boys at school

Lancaster Nurture Group Report

In spring this year, we trained 40 pilot schools taking part in the Boxall Childhood Project to use the Boxall Profile to assess the SEMH of their pupils.
child at park playing with beads

The EEF toolkit and nurture groups

The EEF toolkit and nurture groups To view the full report for the EEF toolkit and nurture groups, please click on the download button below. Download