Alison Betts


Alison Betts is currently Whole School SEND National Coordinator. She has previously been a class teacher, nurture teacher, SENCO, Deputy Headteacher, Head of a maintained Nursery School and Head of Inclusion for Exeter Children’s Federation.

She has been on the board of trustees at nurtureuk since 2016 and has a passion for improving the education and life chances of children from a background of deprivation.

Her interest in children affected by social, emotional and/or mental health issues encouraged her to become a Specialist Leader in Education for the Exeter Consortium and Teaching School Alliance, where she has helped to lead the Professional Community for SEND. She has seen first-hand the benefits of nurture in education and has been privileged to be a trustee for nurtureuk and help spread nurturing principle across the education sector.

Photo Alison Betts

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